Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blog #10: Statement of Purpose

I feel my purpose for this first writing project is to analyze my chosen picture in order to gain a greater understanding of the argument the photographer was trying to make by capturing this specific moment in time. I want to communicate the specific elements of the picture and how they were used to form ethos, logos and pathos in order to carry out this argument. Specifically, I will be further expanding off of my initial inferences I made about my photograph in the first writing exercise. This will be done by incorporating what I have found in the second writing exercise. I will be explaining the technical aspects of my photograph and how they are used to develop a specific argument. These aspects include: vectors of attention, hue, brightness, saturation, cropping, focus and framing. I will also be looking at this photograph through a historical lens. This is a very important part of my research and analyzing of this picture. Thinking about the time period when this picture was taken can lead to many interesting assumptions about the picture and its subject matter. Along with the elements of the picture I have selected, I need to consider my audience, as well as the context for this writing assignment in order to construct an effective paper.

My audience can broadly be considered anyone who reads my blog. More specifically my classmates and professor will probably be my main audience. Since this is a graded piece of writing, I need to consider what is expected of me particularly by my professor as an audience member. This entails completing all parts of the assignment fully and including everything that is specified in the outlined guides of this writing project. However, this will be posted on the internet for anyone to read so I also must take that into consideration. I need to make it appealing to a wide variety of readers who obviously have a wide span of interests. I cannot just direct this to one specific person like I might if I was just handing in a hard copy to a professor since this I going to be posted on an internet blog. Further expanding off of this, it is unlikely that all of my readers will have a personal relationship with me because this can be read over the internet by anyone. This means I will have to establish ethos through my writing in order to seem credible to my audience. I will also have to choose wisely what point I would like to get across and do this affectively to make my essay contain enough information to be complete, but also not too lengthy that it becomes unappealing. Also, I need to realize that not all of my audience members will necessarily analyze this picture the way that I will. They may have other inferences about this piece of photography. I will need to write in a style that is not completely one sided or trying to persuade. Instead I will need to effectively communicate my points and what I feel like the picture is arguing, yet leave my audience with the freedom to make their own assumptions and possibly even create questions within my audience that they will be left to think about.
My final consideration in this writing project is the context. The main context I feel is incorporated into this assignment is an internet blog. Specifically, the context is a blog written by college student. I think it is very important that I consider how my writing can be used through this context in order to create a better essay. I will be able to incorporate multimedia along with writing into my blog post. This can prove to be a useful tool in forming an effective argument.