The comic I have chosen is by a woman named Natalie Dee. This is also the title of the comic that she writes and illustrates. She is 30 years old and lives in Columbus Ohio. She is also the co-author to Married to the Sea, a comic she writes with her husband that is also posted via the internet. There are over 1500 comics that she has composed on the Natalie Dee website. These comics date back all the way to year 2003. They are all illustrated in the same manor, stick like figures and text in the form of hand written letters. They are all relatively simple drawings that depict one or two characters. These characters are either humans or different random animals. She also has a few that feature non-living objects that are given human characteristics. Most of the pictures require you to rely on your imagination and past experience to either make your own assumptions of what the character or characters are thinking, especially the drawings that do not have any text to go along with them. Most of them, however, do have at least some sort of caption to go along with them that serves to narrate the picture. All of her comics that I have looked at have been one picture. There were no comics that I observed on her web site that consisted of multiple frames.
I did some investigating to find out what the exact date was that this comic was posted. In was in the section for the month of February. I counted up from the bottom of the page and it appears that this was the selected comic for the date around February 12th 2009. The comic from the day before and the day after (approximately sometime between the 11th and 14th) also both have subjects that are based around love. Valentine’s Day is February 14th so it is obvious why this was the subject for her comics at this time of the year.
I think it is interesting that she featured the comic with the dog for a date that was before February, 14th. After taking a look at the comic and
thinking about what the possible arguments of the illustration could be, it seems very logical for her to choose to display this comic on the day that she did. It appears that this dog is alone and possibly missing his or her significant other. Maybe they are no longer seeing each other or perhaps this other dog is just simply on his or her mind because they cannot be together and the dog in the picture is missing its company. Either way, I think this comic does a good job showing the feelings some people have around Valentine’s Day when they are single or without their significant other. Like the emotions expressed on the dogs face, Valentine’s Day can be sad or depressing in some cases when you do not have anyone to share it with. This was a good way for Natalie Dee to relate to her audience. Also, the object left behind by the lonely dog probably provided some humor to cheer the lonely people out there this past Valentine’s Day.
I did some investigating to find out what the exact date was that this comic was posted. In was in the section for the month of February. I counted up from the bottom of the page and it appears that this was the selected comic for the date around February 12th 2009. The comic from the day before and the day after (approximately sometime between the 11th and 14th) also both have subjects that are based around love. Valentine’s Day is February 14th so it is obvious why this was the subject for her comics at this time of the year.
I think it is interesting that she featured the comic with the dog for a date that was before February, 14th. After taking a look at the comic and