Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pre-Write 1

There are several experiences that I have had so far in my life that I feel like have given me a little experience with art objects. I don’t think I am an expert by any means, but I do feel like I have some basic knowledge and understanding of them.
I have taken two art history courses in during my college career. Both of these classes have required me to study different sculptures, from classical to more modern. This has provided me with some terminology that is used to describe these works such as high relief, low relief, contrapposto and positive/negative space. I have also been able to listen to my professors explain each of the pieces of art we were required to learn about which will hopefully help me analyze my assigned sculpture.
The second experience I feel lucky to have that has increased my familiarity with art objects is my trip to Europe when I was 16 years old. While sightseeing in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, England, Scotland and France I was able to observe a wide variety of sculpture and art objects from statues to famous architectural buildings. We went to a number of museums in each country. The Louvre was probably the most amazing place I have ever been. It was incredible to see all the famous works by the influential artists like Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo de Vinci. This also gave me a greater appreciation for art that I probably wouldn’t have had at that age. Taking these experiences into account, I still do not have much experience in regards to modern sculpture, like we are analyzing for this third writing project. I had to draw some of the sculptures for my perceptual drawing class that I took earlier this semester so I do have an appreciation towards them from an artist’s point of view but that is about all the farther my experience goes.

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